Saturday, 21 December 2013

diari seorang hafiz


dy nmpak je mcam tu,.
seriously,.nmpk mcam bdak2 jhat,.based on his look,..his style,.
klau dy x bgtau,.mesti xde org yg pcya yg dy tu sbnarnye seorg hafiz,.

a few days ago,.my roomate,amani gi buat some work kt surau,.
then blik tu dy cm excited skit,.
dy kte nmpak wk kt surau,.
aq pown xde lah heran sgat,.

tapi apa yg mnrik phtian aq ttg cte dy,.
dy nmpak wk tgah pgg quran kt surau,.
with another boy beside him,.
so,.our assumption is wk is trying to memorizing the quran,.

hmm, no wonder lah b4 this dy sllu reply msg aq lmbt,.
bila aq tnye knpe,.dy kata gi surau,.
rupanya dy gi surau not only to perform the solat,.
but also to continue his routine as a hafiz,.

seriously i'm totally impressed with him,.
actually this is my first time having a friend like him,.
may Allah bless u always,.


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